Search Results

Results for "submediums: Films - Feature,Films - Special Interest,Films - Documentary,Films - Foreign,Films - Animated,Films - Television,Features - Film, main_practice: Attention"
Lucy A philosophical action drama that showcases the brain's incredible powers.
Manakamana A documentary about a cable car route that teaches us how incredibly rich and varied the sameness in our lives can really be.
Sherlock Holmes Double Feature Two early Sherlock Holmes dramas that reveal the English detective's meticulous method of detection and his emphasis on an open mind.
S21: The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine A chilling documentary that compels us to consider the terrible things human beings can do to one another because of fear, ideology, or just following orders.
Global Spirit - The Elder Brothers' Warning A wake-up call for the Western world from the Kogi, a tribe in the Sierra Nevada mountains of northern Columbia.
Paul Bowles: The Complete Outsider A candid and wide-ranging documentary on this writer's life and work.
Jerry Maguire An engaging and full-tilt movie about how attention enhances both love and work.
Small Wonders An inspiring documentary about a dedicated, demanding, and enthusiastic music teacher.
She's the One A lively romantic comedy with its incisive depiction of sibling rivalry and sexual politics.
Journey A magical movie that speaks profoundly about loss, grief, forgiveness, and family solidarity.